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Our Chocolate Bouquet is the perfect gift for any chocolate lover!

Each bouquet is carefully arranged with a random selection of chocolate bars. It is presented in a beautiful gift box and if you like, you can add a sash with wording of your choice. We can also adjust the selection of chocolate bars to suit your flavour preferences and packaging colour. Send your special someone a sweet surprise with this unique and delicious bouquet

Chocolate bouquet

Packaging colour
  • Flower delivery is available Monday - Saturday. Online orders will be delivered the following working day unless date is otherwise specified.

    Delivery times can be between 9am & 5pm.  Unfortunately we aren’t able to guarantee an exact hourly slot but we’ll try and get to you as early as we can.

    Please ensure its the recipients details in the "shipping details" section at checkout as this address is where the flowers will be delivered to.

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